Family Law
Navigating the end of a relationship can be an emotionally challenging experience. For many individuals, family stands at the core of their lives, and the rupture of such bonds can have a profound and distressing impact on the well-being of all parties involved.
In such situations, individuals experiencing the loss of significant aspects in life may exhibit behaviour without proper consideration for the consequences, especially when children are involved. Emotions like fear, anger, jealousy, disappointment or entitlement can often cloud judgement and contribute to prolonged and expensive litigation processes. At Sapphire Legal, we acknowledge the intricate emotional landscape in such scenarios and strive to provide guidance that encourages thoughtful resolution, aiming to alleviate the emotional and financial toll associated with extended legal battles.
Because you cannot control how your ex-partner behaves (or their solicitor), it is important to choose a solicitor that recognises the difficulties that can be faced in such situations and who will not take advantage of you.
Whether you're in the contemplation phase of separation or have already initiated the process, seeking legal advice on available options for you and your ex-partner can be pivotal. At Sapphire Legal, we specialise in guiding you through all aspects of parenting and property settlement within family law. Our goal is to empower you to make informed decisions, with the aim of avoiding unnecessary and protracted legal proceedings. We prioritise helping out clients avoid litigation whenever possible, recognising that this choice can be the difference between a legal bill of $80,000 or more or something considerably less.